Saturday, April 12, 2008


Saturday was one of the hardest CrossFit Workouts yet. Not because I wasn't strong enough to do the workout with modifications. Not because I didn't have the ability. But because I'm "starting from scratch" after having a baby and I'm still so freaking slow!
When I started my second round, I stepped out to start my run and I saw how far behind I was, I was so discouraged. I started my run and started to cry. I was frustrated. I wanted to give up. I was so tempted to call my hubby and tell him I quit and I'm never coming back.
I wanted to take the easy way out. But I didn't. It took the entire run/walk/jog/shuffle to kick myself in the keister, tell myself to to suck it up and push on.
I'm glad I did. I finished last, but at least I finished. It took everything in me, and asking God for more strength, just to keep going. This was a great example of how CrossFit is very competitive. But your not competing against others. Your competing against yourself. Your competing against the last time you worked out, striving to be stronger and faster and fitter each day.

Saturday's WOD for CrossFit Tulsa:
400M run
21 KB Swings (25 lb dumb bell)
14 Pull ups (Jumping Pull Ups)
400M run
15 deadlifts (38 lbs)
15 Handstand Push Ups (Knees on 24" box)
400M run
15 cleans (38 lbs)
15 dips (box dips)
I had to break up my runs, and I probably didn't go down far enough on the push ups. Dips were done with bent knees. I can probably do them with straight legs next time or on the paralettes.

Friday, April 11, 2008

This is why girls need to work out!

A thief made the mistake of a lifetime recently. He broke into professional female boxer Derdre Rodriguez's house and tried to steal her PS3, PSP and videogames as she lay sleeping.
She woke up, saw the robber climbing out of her window, chased him down, smashed his head in with an ice chipper, then, in the most awesome coupe-de-grace ever, the former pugilist forced the thief to pick up the stolen electronics he'd dropped during the chase (A PlayStation 3, a PSP, cell phones and videogames). She then made him wait in the house for the cops to show up and arrest him.

I showed this video to my daughter. This is a good example of why girls and women should work out and be strong. So you can beat up those who bully you.

Now I'm not advocating violence! But I firmly believe that we live in a day and age that we can no longer allow girls to be the "weaker vessel" physically, and to be prime targets for crime. Our daughters, and ourselves, need to be strong and able to protect and defend ourselves and those we love from those who prey on the weak.

Today Hubby did Deadlifts 1,1,1,1,1,1,1. I intended to do this workout as well, but we had baby with us and she started fussing in the car seat as soon as I started to warm up. So I ended up wearing her in my Baby Bjorn and did 2 rounds of 15 squats and 500m row. After that she calmed down and I put her back in her carseat and did deadlifts.

3 sets deadlifts
21 reps @ 65lbs
15 reps @ 75lbs
9 reps @ 85 lbs.

Here I go!

Hi all! Here I go. Finally starting my own little blog in vast world called the internet. Most of you that might visit here probably know me. But for those of you who just happen to stumble onto my blog and don't know me, I guess I better introduce myself.

My Name is Angela. I live in Tulsa, Ok. I am married to the best man on earth, 9.5 yrs and going! We have 3 beautiful daughters: Jordan 8 yrs old, Joelle - 3 yrs old, and our baby Jada - 5 weeks old. We also have one dog. A Jack Russel Terrier named Petie.

Since we live in a small 2 bedroom home, life gets pretty interesting at times :)

My hubby is a Physical Therapist Assistant and will soon start Personal Training on the side.

We are members of GUTS Church. We've been there over 10 years and firmly believe it's the best place on earth. In fact it's the only reason we are still in OK. If there was a GUTS in Colorado or Arizona we would be there in a heartbeat. But maybe some day.

I love reading, knitting/crochet, spending time with my family, and working out. Any or all when I have a spare moment.. HAHA!

Since I just had a baby, I have a lot of hard work ahead to get fit again. We CrossFit. Currently we are going to CrossFit Tulsa to work out. The main purpose of this blog is to be a workout log for me, with occasional rants and ramblings thrown into the mix just for fun. But who knows what this will end up being. I just hope I don't neglet it!