After Jerimiah got off work we headed back to the gym to drop in on Craig's class. It was us and 3 other guys. Jerimiah and I worked out in shifts so we could switch off holding Jada.
Tonights workout was:
- 7 rounds for time
- 10 SDLHP
- 10 Dips
I used 47lbs for SDLHP. Dips were done on Parralettes with both feet on the floor. My time was about 10 min. I forgot to write it down and Craig hasn't posted all the times on CrossFit Tulsa yet.
My SDLHP felt off balance. Afterwards I discovered the bar was plated unevenly. My darling Jordan helped me put the plates on my bar. I didn't even think to check the weights of the small plates she used. On one end she had put a 5lb plate and the other end a 2.5 lb plate. It wasn't much of a difference, but it was just enough to make it a bit interesting. Got to love little helping hands.
I knew my SDLHP need a lot of work, so I had Jerimiah take video of me so we could focus on my form. I'm posting it here. We've already worked and made some corrections, but maybe your eye sees something ours didn't catch. And don't worry. There's no spandex.
Tell me what you think.
Angela, the one thing I'm noticing is that you're missing the most important element of the swing and high pull. Hip snap. Remember that that bar should feel almost weightless by the time you get to the top. You want to think about really snapping your hips as you drive the bar up. You looked like you were using a lot of arms.
Thanks... exactly what we worked on correcting... :)
Funny how you think you have a movement down... then you do reps with heavier weight and it goes to pot. Good thing we have video to point out our flaws for us ;)
Yes, video is very handy for that... :P Just when you think you're going to get away with something... ;)
Angela, you've had a quiet few weeks over there. You alright?
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