Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Loose pants + short run = a little embarrasement

I took the weekend off from following the WOD. With work, family, and church it was just too difficult to fit anything in.
Saturday morning I met with a group of ladies from church and we walked 2 miles. I would of gone longer but I needed to stop to get something to eat and head to work. I didn't have time to head home to shower, but I'm learning baby wipes are pretty effective for a quick wash.
I worked for about 9 hours, most of it running laps around the store because we were short staffed that day. I had intended on a light workout after work, but I got off late, my feet couldn't take much more, and I was mentally tired from dealing with high need crappy tippers.... so I just got our things together for Sunday and went to bed.

Sunday was spent going to church, coming home for lunch, napping, and back to church in the evening.

Yesterday the alarm went off at 4:30 and I really wanted to throw it against the wall. But I did get up (after hitting the snooze a few times) I put on my pants and they felt a little loose. (I must of lost some weight... :) I didn't think they felt too loose so I just went with it...
At the gym I started warming up and headed out for a 400m run (really a jog/shuffle). I felt pretty good and my feet didn't feel like lead bricks so I pushed myself to go faster. With each step, I felt my loose pants start to get looser... and looser... and had to keep grabbing them to hike them up. But I didn't want to stop because I felt pretty good running.
Well I had particular step that landed harder than normal, and before I could grab my pants my waistband slipped over my hips and discovered gravity. So there I was in the middle of a parking lot and my legs showing all their glory. Fortunately my shirt was long, it was still early morning and there was not much traffic, so I don't think anyone saw. But it was still pretty embarrasing (and why I'm writing it here? I have no clue...maybe someone will find a laugh..) .
6 am class work out was
  • 3 rounds
  • 400m run/500m row
  • 15 SDHP
  • 15 Thrusters

I for obvious reasons chose to row, and used just the bar bell (22lb) for my reps. Row was ok first and second round, but had to be broken up third round. SDHP were easy. Thrusters were done slow and broken up because this was my first experience with them and I was so unsure of my form. My time was 20:56.

Those pant made it in the Goodwill bag as soon as I got home.

I worked late last night and didn't get to bed till 2 or so.. and woke up fairly early with the girls. I've been tired pretty much all day and got a little nap. There was no way I was making it to the gym today, and I work again tonight. It was really tempting to use that as an excuse not do anything. I had promised to take my girls to the park water splash pad today, so I took 2 10 lb dumbells with me and made up my own little work out.

Warm up Greg Admunson style, with 30 squats. Workout was a sequence:

  • Dumbell Deadlift
  • Power Clean
  • Push Press
  • Overhead squat
  • Repeat

I started with both 10lb dumbells, but I couldn't hold my form on the over head squat. I guess overhead squat with dumbells is harder than overhead squat with barbell. So I dropped down to one for my sequence. I didn't keep track of time, and I got destracted keeping an eye on the girls playing, so I don't know how many reps i did. I just went until I felt like my legs were starting to get fatigued. Nothing spetacular by elite standards, but at least it was something. And I sure got some wierd looks from other moms at the park ;) At least I was wearing my CrossFit shirt...

For cooldown I held Jada and joined the girls playing in the water. SO REFRESHING!!!


Katie said...

Angela, although losing your pants can be a little embarassing, it's definitely a good sign! Congrats! :)

Adrienne said...

Hey Angela! I remember those moments.. when I was in the midst of weight loss I had a few pants that still kind of fit. But every time I ran they'd nearly fall off of me. It's embarrassing but wonderful all at the same time!

Keep up the good work!

AngieDSimplyMe said...

Glad I'm not the only member of the loose pants club... :)

Yep. It did feel good. And shopping for new pants felt even better :)