Fixing the Squat from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
And another from CrossFit Headquarters
Today's CrossFit Tulsa WOD was
3 Rounds for time:
- 20 Box Jumps
- 25 Pushups
- 30 KB Swings (50#/35#)
- 35 Situp
- 400m run/500m row
Hubby modified it for me: 10,15,15,20 reps each respectively. Then a 400 M run first round and 250M row second and third round. My time was about 23:00.
Even though Monday was my rest day, I was still pretty fatigued from Sunday. The box jumps were hard to I went down to step ups. Push ups were poor form. On my run my shoes felt like lead weights so I kicked them off when I got back inside. It was never so hard to row and I had to break up the meters rowed to finish. Kettlebells were the easiest for me today.

Jordan was playing with the camera and got some good shots of me doing the Kettlebell Swing.
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