Look at this box. It looks small and simple. Just a little 16" box. Nothing to be afraid of. But for some reason I fear this box..
Well.. not the box exactly. It's the fear of failing to launch myself high enough to land on the box. I know the worst thing that could happen is missing and scraping my shins on the box or falling off.
Having that fear is so stupid! I don't fear much, in fact hardly anything, so it's beyond me why this little box would give me such a big hang up.
It affected my work out time today because I kept hesitating on the jump, even though I landed most of them solidly. I only missed once and that was becuase I tried to stop mid air after I jumped. I landed with one foot on the edge and slid off.
I did the same work out Jae did today.
- 3rds for time
- 15 push press
- 20 box jumps. (16" box)
Jae did hers with PVC and step ups.
Mine were with the 22lb bar first round, and 32lbs round 2 and 3. I refused to do step ups because I need to get over this fear of the box. Probably something only time and repitition can cure.
I promised you a pic of Jae. Here she is! Its not a very good pic as she was running out the door to drop off her son and head to work.
Take a good look. I bet in three months you won't be able to recognize her.
She is one hard working, dedicated momma! I'm glad to have some one to work out with who's starting from scratch just like I am.
She is one hard working, dedicated momma! I'm glad to have some one to work out with who's starting from scratch just like I am.
And now for some words of wisdom. I was driving to the gym and had to stop and take a picture of this.

Finally... a billboard worth reading!!
1 comment:
Angela, it's not a stupid fear. I've seen lots of people who have missed the box and done some serious damage to shins and knees. It does hurt. They say the only way to overcome a fear is just to do it, so keep getting on the box. Even if they're slow, that's ok. Do it until you're comfortable, then work up to speed. You can do it... just take it slow and steady! :)
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