Thursday, April 30, 2009

Elizabeth, take me to your cleaner...

Er, I mean... leader

"Elizabeth" was a very foreign workout to me, considering that I have never done cleans before, and my only experience with front squats was with PVC.
We warmed up with medicine ball cleans. During the warmup, the movement felt awkward and unnatural. I wondered if my legs had turned into some extra-terrestrial limbs not suited for cleans.
But they seemed to get more in sync with the movement the more I warmed up, and was able to move on to the light bar with some success. My form in the front squat is still not the greatest, and I guess I need to work on trying to drive up with my elbows and keep my spine more stable.
I do have to admit this one is short, but it really sucked for me. I was humiliating that all I was doing was a 42lb weight, and could barely get that done. And probably the only thing that got me through it was thinking of this:

After doing a modified version of Elizabeth with much lighter weights, I have a whole new respect and admiration for Kallista, and any one who can clean and jerk their body weight 30 times.


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips


from the floor, full squat cleans, 42lbs

Jumping ring dips

15 -9-6


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