Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday 01/26/09

I didn't get my workout done at home. I did try, but it didn't happen.

I tried to do the back extentions on my stability ball, and using a weighted barbell on some jack stands to hook my feet under. It didn't work to well because the jack stands kept sliding on the slick floor, which caused me to roll off the ball. I'm sure it would of looked amusing to someone... but it wasn't amusing to me.

So Jerimiah took me to CF Tulsa this evening.

Did warm up of
500M row
10 squats
10 PVC OH squats
10 pvc push presses
10 pullups (black band)
10 pvc deadlifts

I did a scaled version of today's WOD
15 AB Mat situps
12 GHD Back Ext.
We obviously scaled it too much because it was pretty easy, and I didn't have to break up any of the sets.

If anyone else out there is getting a wintery blast tonight, stay warm and be careful wherever you go!

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