Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday 01/10/09

Saturday was a real challenge for my food plan. Although I think I did pretty well, I didn't stick to it completely, so I checked "no" on my accountability form for the CrossFit Santa Cruz accountability challenge.

It was a very long and challenging day.

I got up early and made an emergency trip to the grocery store for diapers and other food things. Then I came home, dropped off the groceries and headed out the door.
I joined the Guts Girls Get Fit club, and they started Saturday morning. I didn't plan on doing anything as far as working out, because I was working a double Saturday, but I figured what they were doing wouldn't be too strenuous so I joined in.
The leader is a class instructor at Aspen Fitness, and she made up a "10 in 10" workout that was a mixture of Turbo Jam, Tae Bo, bands, and ab work. I only stayed and did the first 30 minutes, and then left to come home and get ready for work. It deffinately wasn't "CrossFit", but it was fun to be with some friends from church.

The real challenge came at work. I had planned on eating my usual snack of broccoli and cheese but we got busy right away so I didn't get to. I wasn't able to sit down and eat until about 3, and of course I was hungry most of that time.
It's pretty common to have some extra food from mess ups or guests changing their order after somethings already been cooking. In that case it's left to the side for the servers to have, and everybody usually takes a few bites. Well yesterday we had a lot more mess ups than usual. So there was a lot more food available to snack from, I was hungry from not eating before the shift, and it's such an ingrained habit to snack. I caught myself quite a few times getting a bite here and there. I think I got about 2-3 boneless wings, some fries, and a bite of a dessert. But at least I caught myself and after a bite or so and stopped, and not ate the whole thing.

I got a chance to eat a small snack about 3, and finally got a break about 4:30. When I finally got a chance to sit down, what I brought for my lunch wasn't appetizing so I ordered a Chicken, Bacon Cheese, sandwich. I ate all of the sandwich, but I didn't eat the fries.


Breakfast - 3 eggs, 1 orange

Lunch -

Snack - Late snack of 2 oz cheese, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries

Dinner - Chicken, Bacon, Cheese from Applebee's. No fries

And of course the various nibbles of whatever else I snacked on during the shift.


Guts Girls Get Fit Club "10 in 10" workout. Only did the first 30 min and then had to leave.

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