Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday 10/28/09

Today's main site WOD was Thrusters - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1

My warm up was
3 rounds
Samson stretch
15 squats
20 situps
10 knee pushups
plus 15 more situps to total 75 situps.

My pushups felt easier, and I could really hold a decent plank position during the full ROM

I've never done thrusters before so I just worked on form. 
Warmed up with PVC front squats, and then PVC thrusters.
Moved up to an unweighted 45 lb bar, did more warm up thrusters to work on form.
Then did 3 rounds of 7 thrusters.

My form was decent.  I need to really work on getting stronger in a front squat so I don't "go soft" at the bottom and lose my drive.
My wrists are also sore, and it's probably because they are not used to this posistion.

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