Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No workout yesterday. Instead we went to my moms and replaced shingles that blew off during this past weeks storms. I suggested to my hubby that we turn shingling the roof into a CrossFit partner workout... but he didn't seen so thrilled about that. When you have 50 or so shingles to replace you just want to get it done. Mixing in burpees or thrusters would of taken too much time... ;)

This morning was raining. If I didn't have to take Jerimaih to work I probably would of slept in. But once I got up, drank some coffee, and moving at the gym I felt pretty good.

This morning:
CF Warmup x 1 rd. (Minus pushups)

  • WOD
  • 10 rds
  • 15 deadlifts
  • 15 pushups.

I scaled mine down 7 rds of 10 each. Deadlift 42 lbs. Knee pushups. Dealifts were easy and sets unbroken. I probably could of done more weight. Pushups were hard today and the sets had to be broken up. My form on both was good, not perfect, but good.

There's a lot of good articles on hand care surfacing lately. I thought I'd link to them to find them easier. I'll need them soon when my calliouses start appearing.

These articles recommend a pumice stone. But Jerimah uses a small dremel tool with a fine sanding head. It works great and takes less effort.

I think I'm getting used to getting up at 4:30. But I'll have to be sure to get my nap in this afternoon. I don't want to be dozing off at work tonight! :)

And now more inspiration. I'd love to know if these guys CrossFit!

(Mommy... why are these guys in their underwear???)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Angela that's quite the video today! It makes me want to start doing things like this at CrossFit! :)