Friday, June 13, 2008

Yes folks.. another one's drank the kool aid!

No... not me... i've drunk it quite a long time ago.
My best friend joined us at 6:00 am this morning for her first encounter with CrossFit.

She's a now single mom of 2 boys, both under 4. Today she took another step along the road to getting fit and taking care of herself for her and her boys. She works so hard for the best of her family, and I'm so proud of her! She did awesome! She didn't feel like she did very well, but she came and that was a big move for her. (I'll post a pic of her later.)

We woke up at o'dark hundred this morning (which was so wrong becuase we were to less kids this morning... I could of slept in!!) to head to the gym for Jerimiah's class. Today we had one show up at 5:30 to get his work out in. And then my friend showed up at 6:00. No one else this morning. But we are just motivated to market and get people in the door and start the word of mouth ball rolling!

If you happen upon this little blog in the big vast world, answer a question or two for me?

What got you into CrossFit? What got you to visit a gym or CrossFit on your own? What helped you to know CrossFit was for you?

And if any of the guys from CrossFit Tulsa visit here... THANKS SO MUCH for giving us the opportunity and experience of working with you!

My coffee is wearing off. Time for a nap!


Katie said...

Hi Angela. I'm not quite sure how you found me, but I actually wrote up a whole story the other week about how I found CrossFit and what it's done for me. You can read it under the May archive on my blog. Http://

Thanks for posting up links to my ramblings. :)

Bryan said...

OK, I'll bite. I'm Bryan, from the outer fringes of DFW. Hi. Late last year, I was trying to get back to exercising after a multi-year hiatus,and after a fairly rough stretch in life. I'm 42, with a wife and kids, so the lengthy bodybuilding workouts I had done 10 years ago weren't doing it for me. I found I no longer CARED about the peak on my biceps. It all seemed a little silly, not to mention boring. I needed it to be time-efficient, and interesting. That led me to focus on multi-joint exercises, but it was still boring. I just couldn't motivate myself. This continuing search led me to kettlebells. Kettlebells led me to Jeff Martone's web site. Jeff has one of those links to get a free Crossfit Journal. I NEVER click on ads. Yet there it was, staring me in the face every time I visited his site. I hesitantly clicked the link, and my life changed. My first Crossfit workout was 400M of walking lunges. "Yeah, it's high rep, but it's not weighted. Should be a nice way to dip my toe in the water."

My legs were useless jelly for the next week and a half.

The first couple of videos I watched, my attitude was, "Oh please, lying on the floor? What a ham." Then I did a workout or two. Guess where I ended up afterward?

I've always prefereed working out at home, so that's where I Crossfit. Yes, in the garage.

BTW, I really enjoyed your thoughts on faith, weakness, and overcoming obstacles and fears. I bookmarked ya. Be back soon,

Bryan in Cleburne

AngieDSimplyMe said...

Hey Bryan...
Glad to have you here!!

See you soon!